12 Ways to Prep for a Cleanse

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So you've committed to doing the 21 day cleanse! Congratulations for making a giant leap toward perfect health.  Lots of emotions are beginning to surface because you're not sure what to expect. Well get ready to release those fears, because you've got plenty of support! Here are some things you can do to lighten your burden as you countdown to Day #1 of your cleanse. Enjoy the journey!

1. Air out your house, Think of spring cleaning for your home AND your body! Open up the windows, dust and vacuum. ( you have to do at some point, right?)  Dust out any fans and heaters, clean your fridge (more below), and create some ventilation. I also love a good air purifier to soak up toxic air., dust, and harmful contaminants. Remember, we're saying bye to the toxins, not the other way around.  

2. Set out your blenders and other cooking supplies on the counter along with all your whole-food supplements. This will help you get organized with a schedule so you don't miss out on any nutrition. I like to have a shake 2-3 times per day which makes it very easy because I can take all my supplements at that time as well. I know some kitchens have limited space, but look at it as a temporary way to set you up for success.

3. Grocery shopping is made quite easy as everyone receives a detailed shopping list, so this will give you a chance to pick up some things beforehand so that on Day #1 you're not looking around your kitchen in a state of confusion. Stock up on any frozen fruits and veggies, organic veggie stock, quinoa, lentils, brown rice, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and other things that won't spoil.  Go ahead and save the fresh veggies til the day of, or day before you begin. Remember to go for the best quality food possible. (ie, sea salt instead of iodized, small amount of ingredients on labels, and go organic and/or local! Many clients have found they end up spending LESS money on food simply because they're temporarily eliminating alcohol, meats, and packaged foods and restaurant foods.

4.Get rid of the "non-approved" foods and products- All of the “cleanse-friendly” items are in your booklet. as well as the “non-friendly”. Remember, it's not that we think eggs, nuts, legumes, and seeds are "bad for you", it's just that we want to remove anything that has the most potential to cause any inflammation in the body.  That said, it's helpful to not have that stuff lying around during those tricky moments (and we all have them). All processed foods, sugars, crackers, ice-cream, store-bought juices, breads, etc should all be eliminated or tossed in the freezer.  With so many new products on the market, these lists are subject to change, so feel free to reach out if you have a question about a specific product , ask on our facebook page once the cleanse begins since no doubt others want to know too. ;)

5. Wean the Caffeine- If you’re used to drinking fully caffeinated coffee, start to do less, or switch to 1/2 caf. Though caffeine can be incredibly useful for autophagy, energy, and focus, it is nonetheless a drug so we want to limit intake throughout the cleanse. This also goes for sodas (which we don’t want anyway), chocolate, and anything else with a lot of caffeine. When purchasing coffee, go for clean, organic varieties only. I use Wild Foods coffee and split the regular and decaf pods on a daily basis, and use mostly decaf for the purification program. Use code nutriyogi for 12% off your order. At the very least, be sure your coffee is mold-free, and organic.

6. Find ways to get creative- I won't lie, I love a glass of wine while I'm preparing dinner. There's something about the combination of chopping veggies, playing good music, and sipping wine once it gets dark outside. During my cleanse, I simply pour some Kombucha (a fermented, healthy, approved beverage) into a wine glass and it works wonders. You can also have a small amount of club soda with a twist of citrus and that can easily do the trick. I also love Solti fresh-pressed juices in their gorgeous glass bottles. The ginger or master cleanse variety are fantastic first thing in the am before drinking anything. Use code nutriyogi for 15% off!.

7. Plan a few recipes- It helps to get a few ideas together of what you'll make the first week so you can jump in with some good momentum. Stir frys, soups, salads and veggie bowls are great to have on hand. Meat is allowed again on day 10 so it's nice to also have some ideas of what you can make ahead of time, (or order from a menu if you absolutely have to go out). You will be given lots of recipe ideas during the program for all levels of cooking, so no need to fret! I encourage you to try one new thing every day that you've never had before. You may be surprised at what you discover.  For additional inspiration, included in the program are some client-created purification recipes. (A promo code will be given at the start of the program).

8. Create an exercise/movement plan?- It's also very important during this program that we continue to move our bodies and sweat. It doesn't have to be rigorous every single day, but definitely get that blood circulating...and let's face it, it's much easier to stick with something once we put it out into the universe. So write down a plan for yourselves. M-W-F yoga, T-H run, W-Sat-walk w friends. Whatever it is, hold yourself accountable, and share it with the group since I'm sure your ideas will help someone else.

9. Have that chat with your housemates, kids, spouses, partners, etc- If you happen to live with someone who thinks you're a total hippie for doing a cleanse, simply laugh them off and wait a month til they see how much happier and & sexier you are than them. ;)  All kidding aside, it's good to be respectful to those we live with. Sit down and explain to them that you are "jumpstarting your health" this month and you may need some support.  If they're going to walk in with an entire pizza as you're prepping your butternut squash & kale soup, then there's nothing you can do but get more excited about your soup!!!  This program is about life changes as it provides a great avenue to re-sensitize your taste buds, pinpoint food intolerances or allergies, and make real changes, so don't let anyone's habits bring you down.  You are in charge! (and they may even want to join you).

10. Toss out old Health, Beauty, & Toxic Cleaning Products and those with ingredients like fragrance, parfum, parabens, and other unwanted contaminants. Remember, what goes into your skin, goes into your bloodstream. I get more into this on my post here.
The EWG also has a wonderful healthy living app which rates beauty & healthcare products according to ingredients. Regarding cleaning products, vinegar, baking soda, and some essential oils are all you need to clean an entire house! I also love products like branch basics and aunt fannies for their simple ingredients. This way, we don’t have to “lock” our cleaning cupboards on the kids because of chemicals. In fact, they can help us clean!

11. Assess yourself- A journal is a great way to do this. Write down the number of hours you’re sleeping (the ouraring ring is wonderful for this), or if you’re a total nerd like me, try some glucose strips to test metabolic flexibility throughout. If weight loss is your goal, folks have often found it encouraging to do before and after weigh-ins, though if this is triggering in any way, skip it and focus on how you feel instead. Skin health is also a huge and unexpected benefit from the cleanse, so taking pictures prior and post may be motivating. And don’t forget your mood! Usually by week 2, clients experience a huge energy increase along with a more balanced mood. Assess how you feel from head to toe so you can see the difference!

12. Consider a water purifier. 2 years ago, we purchased a whole-house water purifier that has been worth the price 100 times over. I love AquaTru since it safely removes nearly all lead, chromium, copper, fluoride, radium, chlorine, and the heavily toxic glyphosate. I am not affiliated with this company, but the filter is fantastic. They make many sizes. (even counter top seen here).

Bonus tip. Take care of yourself!- This is the most important one of all because that is why you're here, right?! When you need to sleep, do so; when you want to go out and get a massage, DO IT! It's all about YOU this month so do whatever makes you feel good. When you need support, reach out like you never have before. That's what singles this program out from the rest. Have a good time and try not to be too anxious about getting everything perfectly. If you miss a dose of a supplement or powder, no biggie, just resume where you left off; if you ate something from the "non-approved" list, it's ok, just confess your sins and move on.  This program not only nourishes us on a physical level, but can totally change your relationship with food all together, as long as we open ourselves up to it. 

Not on the cleanse yet? You can jump in any time! Come visit my Nutrition Purification Page or send me a message, I'd be glad to answer your questions and/or help you get started!


Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and products sold on this site including but not limited to nutritional supplements, ebooks, programs etc. which generate a tiny profit as the primary income of my blog at no additional cost to you. The greatest wealth is health so thanks for contributing!