Eat-Poop-Love Presents: What I learned from my dog!

"What no pork chop? I love you anyway." Dogs teach us how to stay present, disciplined, and enthusiastic on a daily bases. Most of all though, they teach us how to love.

"What no pork chop? I love you anyway." Dogs teach us how to stay present, disciplined, and enthusiastic on a daily bases. Most of all though, they teach us how to love.

Eat, poop, love. Is there anything else? Having a dog sure changes a person. Willie Pickles, a lab/pitt mix, was born last of 9 puppies in August 2011, and though he doesn't know it, he helped get me through the hardest time of my life.  


​Yoga is damn important and should be done as often as it needs to be!

​Yoga is damn important and should be done as often as it needs to be!

​Eat coconut oil for its amazing anti-bacterial, thermogenic, anti-fungal, and other health-boosting benefits!

​Eat coconut oil for its amazing anti-bacterial, thermogenic, anti-fungal, and other health-boosting benefits!

Do something once a day that you're afraid of. It will be worth it! ​

Do something once a day that you're afraid of. It will be worth it! ​



​Indulge a bit! And when you do, don't feel guilty about it, just enjoy it!

Indulge a bit! And when you do, don't feel guilty about it, just enjoy it!

​Understand that sometimes, you're going to make mistakes.

​Understand that sometimes, you're going to make mistakes.


Be a good sport! (that's Willie during karaoke night playing the part of the aloof ex-lover) Had to share!


​LOVE WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART!Sending love to pet families near and far. Dogs & cats do so much for us, let's keep them healthy and happy!Love, Karen & Willie


Sending love to pet families near and far. Dogs & cats do so much for us, let's keep them healthy and happy!

Love, Karen & Willie

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