Mountain Rose Herbs + Orange Hibiscus Latte Recipe

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One of the top 3 questions I get after sending out a recipe for a tea, tincture, or any  is “where do you order your herbs?” Here’s the answer! Mountain Rose Herbs. This website is one-stop-shopping for any kitchen witch who wants to nourish her body, protect the earth, and experience pleasure from all senses. Pure essential oils, candles, herbs, cooking oils, even the sweet little handmade glass tea pot in my recipe below can be found on here. 

They pride themselves on wholesome, organically-sourced ingredients made from healthy soil. 

From their website: “We put people, plants, and planet before profit with everything we do: from sourcing organic botanicals, to cleaning up the wetlands and rivers near our campus, to becoming the first zero-waste-certified business in Oregon.  It's not always easy being first, but that doesn't stop us from continually looking for ways to do business while leaving the lightest possible footprint on this Earth.”

Check out their website to learn more about their zero waste, sustainability practices. If this isn’t important to you, it should be because it’s the future of agriculture!

This latte is a keto-friendly substitution for a “loaded coffee”. It’s caffeine-free so can be enjoyed any time of the day. 

Hibiscus is one of the healthiest teas for its concentration of cell-supporting polyphenols and antioxidants. It’s also been used for maintenance of cardiovascular markers, body temperature, fluid balance, and respiratory health. 

The latte also contains collagen protein and coconut oil for blood sugar control, hunger, and sustained energy. 


Orange Hibiscus Latte
8oz prepared mountain rose herbs hibiscus loose leaf tea
1 scoop collagen powder
1 scoop vanilla collagen powder (can do 2 and omit the plain)
1 Tbsp melted coconut oil, MCT oil, or ghee
Freshly-grated orange zest to top

Pour prepared tea into cup. Froth powders and oil separately and combine. Zest with orange zest.

Love those warm beverages, but not sure what to add? Check out my article on the 10 hacks to make your morning coffee or tea healthier!

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and products sold on this site including but not limited to nutritional supplements, ebooks, programs etc. which generate a tiny profit as the primary income of my blog at no additional cost to you. The greatest wealth is health so thanks for contributing!


Da-Costa-Rocha, I., Bonnlaender, B., Sievers, H., Pischel, I., & Heinrich, M. (2014). Hibiscus sabdariffa L. - a phytochemical and pharmacological review. Food chemistry, 165, 424–443.

Bueno, N. B., de Melo, I. S., de Oliveira, S. L., & da Rocha Ataide, T. (2013). Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. The British journal of nutrition, 110(7), 1178–1187.

Mountain Rose Herbs, 2021