Harmless Harvest Coconut Water


Whenever I mention coconut water to a nutrition client, I get a sour-faced reaction followed by the words…”I know it’s good for me but I just don’t like the taste of it.” To tell you the truth, I actually agree with them. Most of the coconut water in the grocery stores (especially those in aluminum cans or cardboard) are plain awful, not to mention they don’t rate high on the nutrition scale because they’re ridiculously processed.

Coconut water is definitely not a fad and deserves to be at the top of anyone's beverage list. The biggest benefits are their concentrated electrolyte and mineral content, (especially potassium) which is why I've nick named it "the replenisher". But hold up...not all coconut water is created equal! 

Because Harmless Harvest is bottled in its raw form we actually get to reap the benefits. Most other brands are made from a concentrate which means they’re condensed down into a syrup before water is added. Let’s just say this is the opposite of pure and unadulterated. Sourcing their product from Thailand, this company pays careful attention to sustainable processing. They are dedicated to a process called HPP, or high pressure processing that uses pressure instead of heat to keep out the bacteria.  The result is a delicious-tasting, fresh product with a positive environmental impact. Not many companies can say that. 


Nature’s Gatorade

I like to have my sports nutrition clients prepare what I call “nature’s gatorade” which consists of coconut water (diluted with fresh water if they wish) and a pinch of Celtic sea salt for its natural sodium content. Note that this mean combo is only really needed for extreme cardiovascular activities where the body is losing a lot of water, ie long distance running, hiking, swimming.

It’s also a popular favorite with my college students who often need replenishment if they’ve had too much to drink and ignored my prior advice to just drink less...... sigh.  If you're in this boat, (and we've all been there) it's even better to consume it before your night out so the body has some reserves to pull from.  

Oh, and if you happen to grab a container of Harmless Harvest with a pinkish tint, you’re in luck...You get extra antioxidants!

Where can you snag it?
 Check out the locator section http://harmlessharvest.com/find-us  on their website.

Let me know what you think!



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