Wild Foods


I’m truly excited to be working with Wild Foods as I share their mission to heal with food, get back in harmony with nature, and change the way we think about our entire food system all around. 

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Straight from their site: 

“Wild Foods was founded on an obsession with finding the best ingredients in the world to support health and longevity.

Our Wild Mission is to empower 50 million people with the knowledge they can use to say NO to Big Food, Big Pharma, Bad Science, and Dangerous Health and Nutrition Dogma!

Who we are: Wild Foods specializes in Real Foods from small producers around the world. We are passionate about ingredients and their story.

​We believe food is the most critical aspect of health and longevity, which is why knowing where ingredients come from and how they are made is the most important thing.

We believe our food system is broken, that the majority of nutrition advice is irresponsibly wrong, and that far too many people are living in sickness as a result of poor and confused lifestyle choices.”

If we don't use it, we don't sell it. That is our absolute Wild Guarantee.

To fulfill this guarantee, every Wild Foods product is guaranteed to be free of the following:

  • Artificial ingredients

  • Gluten

  • Soy

  • Refined Sugar

  • Preservatives

  • Fillers

And check out my favorite chocolate recipes using their wholesome ingredients

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and products sold on this site including but not limited to nutritional supplements, ebooks, programs etc. which generate a tiny profit as the primary income of my blog at no additional cost to you. The greatest wealth is health so thanks for contributing!